mandag den 7. april 2014

Party in the DK

A lot has happened since I got back from Bodø, Norway.
It is about a month ago I arrived in Denmark and I was home at my parents in 7 awake hours 
before I got back to Skolehjemmet in Aalborg. It was so great to see all my friends again and in
the past three/four weeks I have been at home I have had a lot of great times. 

First: I have finished my school. 
I had my exam the 3rd of April and I got a 12(/A+). I was so excited I could not realize 
that I got the best of the best! I can still be amazed about it! :)

Second: I have signed a contract with the firm in Bodø.
I now have a apprenticeship for six months in Norway until the next schooling in November!
I am going to attend a hiking/trekking-team in Bodø and I going on a lot 
of hiking trips with them or that is what I am hoping to do!

Third: Since I came back to Denmark and the Skolehjem we have had a lot of
parties here at the Skolehjem. It happens every thursday where you can bye a beer
for 10kr! It is lovely and cosy as well. You can play pool and dance or even play some

With my greatest of friends I have been on a lot of walks. Our favorite place it now 
an abandoned house at the harbor where you have the view of the most of the Limfjord
and you can see most of Aalborg from the rooftop! It is amazing!