9/7 - Imperial Palace Garden
Alle kender det, at når man snakker sammen, kan man godt gå forbi det sted man skulle ind eller glemme det man skulle! Sofie og jeg kørte for langt to gange og kom på den forkerte metro en gang, men så ankom vi da også til The Imperial Palace Garden. Her bor kejserfamilien, så kun den østlige del af haven er åben for turister som Sofie og jeg. Denne have er et absolut must at se i Tokyo! Det er hidtil den flotteste park jeg har været i, selvom der er stegende hedt og der ingen blomster eller træer i flor, så er den stadig fantastisk flot.
* Everyone knows it when you talk so much that you miss the stop or forget what you really should have been doing. Sofie and I drove too far twice and got on the wrong subway once! We had a great laugh about it and then we arrived at the imperial palace garden. It is the home of the king and his family and that is why it is only the easten garden that is open for public. This is absolut a must-see if you go to Tokyo! It is the most beautiful garden I have been to so far.
* Everyone knows it when you talk so much that you miss the stop or forget what you really should have been doing. Sofie and I drove too far twice and got on the wrong subway once! We had a great laugh about it and then we arrived at the imperial palace garden. It is the home of the king and his family and that is why it is only the easten garden that is open for public. This is absolut a must-see if you go to Tokyo! It is the most beautiful garden I have been to so far.
Haven er omringet af store veje og skyskrabere, men der er meget stille inde i selve parken på trods af det. Samtidig føles det også som et meget majestætisk sted - nok fordi der er så nydeligt og så også fordi kejseren bor i den.
I haven er der mange malere. Det ligner de er ved at tage et kursus, for der var en der gik rundt iblandt dem, som så ud til at rette lidt på dem. Vi fik lov til at observere dem male, og nogle af dem var virkelig gode til at male. De sad alle steder og malede det de allerhelst ville.
Der er mange steder at gå i parken, og på en lille sidevej, som snor sig op og ind imellem træerne fandt Sofie og jeg et grape-træ. Et kongeligt grape-træ, og fræk nok som man nu engang kan være, klatrede jeg op i træet og med lidt teamwork fik vi en grape ned, som jeg straks fik åbnet og slugte i mig, hvilket jeg ikke skulle have gjort, for den var langt fra moden nok, så den fik myrene. Puha.
* The garden is surrounded by tall building and a main road but still it is so quiet in the garden. In the garden you meet several painters. I think they are taking a class because some guy was walking around them saying stuff to them about their paintings but they are all very good and I took a few pictures of them.
It is a big garden even though you only are allowed to be in the eastern part. We went on a small path and found a grape-tree. I climbed the tree to get one down and with a little bit of teamwork we got one down and I ate some of it right away. I should not have done that because the grape was far from ripe. The ants got the rest.
* The garden is surrounded by tall building and a main road but still it is so quiet in the garden. In the garden you meet several painters. I think they are taking a class because some guy was walking around them saying stuff to them about their paintings but they are all very good and I took a few pictures of them.
It is a big garden even though you only are allowed to be in the eastern part. We went on a small path and found a grape-tree. I climbed the tree to get one down and with a little bit of teamwork we got one down and I ate some of it right away. I should not have done that because the grape was far from ripe. The ants got the rest.
Kæmpe bambus, som vi synes var helt uvirkelig store, men de var rigtige nok. |
Grape-træet, de ser nu lækre ud, men det var de ikke! |
Det skal lige siges, at parken er gratis at komme ind i, men man får lige en "admission ticket" som man bare skal aflevere når man kommer ud igen. Når man er kommet ud, er der stadig noget at se, for man skal blot gå små 500 meter, og så kan man se den indgang, bro og lidt af det palads kejserfamilien benytter. Rundt om hele parken og stedet hvor familien bor, er der voldgrav og 10 meter høje stenmure, så det skulle ikke være nemt at komme ind! Ligesom pyramiderne spørger man sig selv, hvordan de har fået stablet muren på benene.
* I have to inform you that it is free to go into the park but you get this admission tickiet you have to give back when you leave the garden. When you are out you are not finish yet because you can walk about 500 meters and see the entrance, bridge and a small part of the palace the royal family lives in.
* I have to inform you that it is free to go into the park but you get this admission tickiet you have to give back when you leave the garden. When you are out you are not finish yet because you can walk about 500 meters and see the entrance, bridge and a small part of the palace the royal family lives in.
10/7 - Shibuya & Akihabara
I dag tog vi Lucy med os, en fra vores hostel. Vi tog til Shibuya for at kigge os lidt omkring, og senere havde vi planer om at tage til Akihabara for at tjekke alt det elektroniske ud. Akihabara er en del af Tokyo, hvor der stort set kun er ting til alt det elektronik vi bærer rundt på i dag, til det halve af, hvad det koster i DK.
I Akihabara spiste vi lækkert sushi og nød det måltid. Det var virkelig lækkert, og det blev lavet lige for næsen af os. Jeg har godt nok ledt efter et "running sushi", men har endnu ikke fundet stedet.
* Today we took Lucy with us, a danish girl from our hostel. We went to Shibuya once again and looked around and after a while we took the subway to Akihabare - a place with only elektronic things and it cost half the danish prices. We went to a sushi-restaurant where the sushi was made right in front of us! It was so good and cool at the same time. I just love sushi.
* Today we took Lucy with us, a danish girl from our hostel. We went to Shibuya once again and looked around and after a while we took the subway to Akihabare - a place with only elektronic things and it cost half the danish prices. We went to a sushi-restaurant where the sushi was made right in front of us! It was so good and cool at the same time. I just love sushi.
Over and out
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